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Bringing Robert Frost Home From Newfoundland

A man carried stacks of National Geographic magazines from his truck to a table in the Deer Lake Library. They dated back to the 1950s. One issue caught my eye. The face on the cover was not one I expected to see on a NG cover. It was the April 1976 issue. Inside, unrelated to…
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Where Was I This Summer?

Name the location of one of the photos: town, city, or body of water, and I’ll email you a sneak peek at the cover of my next book—weeks ahead of when I reveal it in a blog post!
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Off to Liberia!

Hard to believe that a week from now I will be meeting with writers in Monrovia! Sponsored by CODE, “Reading Liberia” is a program through which books written by Liberian authors for Liberian children will be produced, and teachers trained how to use them in their classrooms. Thanks to IBBY-Canada who put my name forward to…
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Last Posting from Monrovia

Well, it’s hard to believe that a week ago tonight I had not yet set foot in Africa, and already my bag is packed, ready for my trip back to Canada, my heart crowded with people I had not even laid eyes on a week ago. So intense has been my involvement with Liberian writers…
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I Want To Go Back to Liberia!

We did so much during the workshop hours, and yet there’s so much more that we didn’t do. I read a few responses to writing exercises while there, and more on the plane coming home – “neighbourhood” and “personal hero” pieces, and moving accounts of experiences participants had when they were five, ten, and fifteen years…
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All My Bags AREN'T Packed

But I am ready to go. To Newfoundland. On Saturday. Or I will be when… Never mind. Talking to a group of Keene teens a few years ago (Keene is near Peterborough, Ontario), I was mentioning how much I enjoy traveling roads I haven’t been on before, as I had that morning, and realized that…
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Three Things About Reading

I was thinking about blogging about good books I’ve read lately when two things happened. I got a letter from a girl in New Brunswick who first wrote me almost seven years ago, and I was asked if I would go back to Liberia to do some more work with writers there. The NB girl…
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Reporting from Liberia

How do I capture in a brief blog entry some essence of my time in Liberia so far? Already I know it will be hard to say goodbye to the people I am getting to know here – the We-Care Library staff, the writers, the teachers, and the other people CODE has sent over from…
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School Visits

On Monday I visited three schools in Monrovia, along with Wendy Saul, a professor from Missouri who has been working with teachers here, and Florence (I don’t know her last name), one of the teacher-leaders. Our purpose was to assess how well the classroom teachers we visited were applying what they’d learned about teaching reading,…
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A “Desert Island” Author

That’s how I was introduced last week before speaking to the Children’s Literature Roundtable in Vancouver. “The great thing about Kathy is that she is the ultimate desert island writer,” said Shannon Ozirny, a dynamic young grad student, soon to be fantastic librarian. “Now, I know you’re all wondering, ‘What the heck is a desert island…
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Reading Liberia Pictures

Come visit my “Reading Liberia” photo album!
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Looking Ahead… And Looking Back

Even as I anticipate heading off with Peter, imminently, on the first winter holiday either of has taken to a warm place, and returning to a basement much transformed during our time away, I feel the need to return once more to moments from my time in Liberia – for my own pleasure in reliving…
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Good News for Love Every Leaf

When Menelik-Llord Aidoo, one of the writers I worked with in Liberia, wrote a piece about a comic book he’d read as a child, about George Washington and his love of nature, I was glad I’d brought Love Every Leaf with me, to plant the idea with Liberian writers that they might like to consider writing biographies, too.…
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South Africa

I’d been told to expect elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, and more. And I suspected that if we did, it would be fun. But I had no idea how exciting it would be. For fifteen years my husband’s cousin John and his wife Veda urged us to visit them in South Africa. When we finally went…
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The ABCs of European Travel

Cruising down rivers and canals from Amsterdam to Budapest had its lovely moments, but the experience paled in comparison to our visit to South Africa and to my own time in Liberia in February. Not that I’m ungrateful for a season so rich in travel opportunities, but I do understand why “Another Bloody Castle” is…
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More On Africa

I’ve just finished reading The Native Commissioner by Shaun Johnson (winner of the Best Book In Africa Commonwealth Writers’ Prize 2007). I bought it while in South Africa, thinking it might offer me useful insight into the complex world of that beautiful country, and it did, to some extent, though of course there is a…
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Touring Newfoundland's West Coast

My travels as a Canadian author have taken me to every province and territory in the country. Last week returned me to the west coast our easternmost province. Readings and writing workshops took me to its northern tip (only one road goes there), south to Port aux Basques and to many gorgeous spots in between.…
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Back in Liberia

I’m sitting on the fourth floor balcony of the Cape Hotel in Monrovia in shorts and t-shirt listening to a mixture of surf and hotel generators, and the occasional honking of a motorcycle horn. It’s just after nine o’clock at night. African music has been added to the surf/generator mix as I type this. Who…
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It's "Wear Red" Day

Did you know that today is “Wear red” day? And no, I didn’t make that up! Even though as author of Red is Best, maybe I should have. 🙂 Red’s not your colour, you say? You have nothing red in your closet? Why not – just for today – borrow something from your sister, your…
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Last Word from Liberia

Once again it’s late at night. And what can I say except that once again it’s going to be tough to leave this amazing country and the remarkable group of people I’ve had the privilege of working with here. We’ve had some animated discussions about all manner of things. We’ve heard some great stories too,…
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The People in my "Neighbourhood"

Home again from Liberia, I was contemplating what aspect of my week there I would blog about – what illustrators were learning and doing with Gord Pronk while I worked with writers? how a group decides which “personal heroes” qualify for inclusion in a Liberian anthology? the fun we had with an oral “dialogue” exercise?…
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Highway of Heroes – The First Review is In

Appropriate, I think, that the first review for Highway of Heroes appears in Fredericton’s “Daily Gleaner” on the day I’m preparing to go there to launch the book. If you’re in the Fredericton area, I hope I’ll see you – at the bookstore in Oromocto on Friday, Westminster Books in Fredericton on Saturday, or at…
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More Tributes to Canada's Soldiers

Before presenting Highway of Heroes at the Canadian War Museum on Remembrance Day, I had the chance to visit some of the exhibits. Only those lucky few with tickets were allowed into Memorial Hall for the magic moment at 11 o’clock on November 11th, when the sun shines through a window onto the headstone of…
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Photo of the Month #3

Of all the photos I shot during a spring river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest a few years ago, my favourites fell into the category of “Doors & Windows”. This one was taken in Miltenberg, when I wandered away from the tour group, as I found I tended to do quite a bit. How about…
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“An Intimate Examination of Sock Fluff” Part 5

The next excerpt from my PYI keynote in a series that started in December 2011… That was “After English Class” from Hey World, Here I Am! by Jean Little. In 1987, I had the welcome opportunity to travel with Jean in England, when the Canadian Children’s Book Centre organized an exchange of Canadian and British…
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Photo of the Month #7

Is there anything more lovely than a summer sunset over a lake? This photo was taken looking out over Lake Huron on the way to the cottage in 2008. How many summer sunset photos do you have in your collection? 🙂
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Photo of the Month #10

It’s easy to love the colours of a Caribbean sea, captured during my first ever vacation to a warm place last month. But there’s beauty to be found in the often monochromatic world of a Canadian winter too. On the first day of this winter, I was struck by the bits of ice forming on…
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Joshua Bell reading the book he inspired, "The Man with the Violin"

Kathy Goes to Washington [slideshow]

A big thanks to Annick Press for making this adventure possible. Thanks also to Kerri Poore of Politics & Prose for her part in making the bookstore event such a success. For the photos that make up the slideshow, thanks to David Schuller, Marketing and Publicity Assistant at Politics & Prose for those taken at the front of the…
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Home Sweet Home

It’s great to travel but I must say it’s great to get back home too.
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One Lucky Mom, One Lucky Daughter

It’s not every day that a mom gets to hang out with her daughter on a beach on the Indian Ocean. Thanks, Peter, for capturing this moment at Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa — and to Peter and Kelly both for helping make it possible.
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My Year in Review

One of my favourite photo editing tools, PicMonkey, recently came out with templates for all kinds of neat photo projects, including one that helped me create this — How many selected significant events, captured here, can you identify? To the first person to list all 9, I’ll send a big e-hug. Oh what the heck.…
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5 Highlights of the 2018 IBBY Congress

  Kathy Goes to Greece – A Slideshow What made me decide to attend the 2018 IBBY Congress? It was in Greece. Canadian Deborah Ellis was delivering a keynote. Having been recently researching the life and work of Jella Lepman, I wanted to experience firsthand how such a conference would express the ideals that underpinned…
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Kathy Goes To Korea – A Slideshow

Big thanks to the Canadian Embassy in Korea for inviting me to participate in the Seoul International Book Fair! Great fun to meet some of my Korean readers and discover how thoroughly they have embraced Red Is Best, The Man with the Violin, King of the Castle, and What Happened to Ivy. Thanks especially to…
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