It’s “Take Your Webmaster to Lunch” Day
I wonder if my sister cooked this one up as a way of getting me to take her to lunch. She’s clever enough to do something like that.
Since 1999, when she designed my first website, Janet has been responsible for establishing and maintaining my presence on the World Wide Web. (I wonder how many people remember that that’s what www stands for. I bet my sister does.)
In 1999, designing sites was a hobby for my tech-savvy sister, and she did mine for free, claiming it to be a good opportunity to learn and practise her website-building skills.
When she started up her own business in 2002, she did me the favour of continuing to update and maintain my site at a family discount rate. And at that point, I was doing her a favour by giving her business.
Those days are long past. Organized Assistant is now a thriving enterprise with clients all over North America and even overseas, so I’m lucky Janet and her husband and business partner, Scott, are willing to keep me on as a client!
Through many changes to my site – the addition of new titles, activities to accompany each, author interviews, and more – Janet has been ready with fresh ideas for content and design.
Three years ago, she also urged me to start my blog. I did so somewhat hesitantly, but by last fall it had become a regular and enjoyable part of my routine.
If you haven’t taken a look around my website lately, I hope you will! Thanks to my clever webmaster/sister, you’ll find my blog there too, and a chance to “Like” me/”Become A Fan” on Facebook.
So, Janet, where would you like to go for lunch?
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.

Thank you, Kathy! It is a pleasure to have you as a client AND a sister! 🙂
[…] to my wonderful webmaster (who does lots for me besides design and update my website), I know that a blogger named Ria read […]