Where do you like to work?
The third in my series of sister-inspired posts this summer is about the kinds of environments people like to write in — a topic I’ve touched on in the past but with a different slant this time.
Some people thrive on having lots of stuff around them when they’re working. For others, having too much stuff in their work spaces makes their brains feel cluttered too.
If you’re one of the latter, you may appreciate some of the tips in my sister’s blog post, Workplace Clutter, which is actually a whole carnival of posts on the subject from a number of professional organizers.
A few years ago Access Copyright invited writers to submit photos of their workspaces. Here’s a sampling.
This week, you’ll likely find me working in a fish house in Nova Scotia.
Where do you like to work? Is it different according to the season? According to what you’re working on? Are you on the clutter=creative inspiration or clutter=distracting noise side of this discussion?
Okay, back to work now…
Image © interactimages / DepositPhotos
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.

I can't stand working in a cluttered environment! I once filled in for a woman who was in a long-term assignment to another department, and I had to take all her personal stuff (including paystubs going back many years) out of the desk and put it in a box in order to feel comfortable and efficient. I'm perhaps a little more tolerant when it's my own clutter, but I spent 9 months at a company with a "clean desk policy" (nearly 30 years ago) and it really left a lasting impact on me.
P.S. Thanks for mentioning the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival! We've got a "Small Office / Home Office" edition coming up in November that's sure to be of interest.
I'm with you on the preference for a clutter-free environment, Janet. I won't quite say the sparer the better, but almost!
Thanks for mentioning your upcoming blog carnival. I look forward to it.