Book Exchanges
Books often pass through the hands of many readers.
This year I read Push by Sapphire. I enjoyed it (in the way one can enjoy a terribly sad story), but not enough to keep it. I gave it to my sister.
When she was finished with it, she left it on the “Give & Take” bookshelf in the laundry room at her apartment building. In exchange she took The Endless Knot – a Canadian mystery by Gail Bowen.
Janet brought The Endless Knot to me when she finished with it. In exchange I lent her Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. (That one I was not prepared to part with permanently. And maybe I lent her something else when she brought me the Gail Bowen mystery, but I know I lent her Water for Elephants sometime. Good sister that she is, she has in any case returned it.)
I enjoyed The Endless Knot (I gave it 4 stars at goodreads) but am not likely to read it again, and so last week, I wrapped it up for my Book Club’s Pajama and Potluck Book Exchange. I brought home with me A Rhinestone Button by Gail Anderson-Dargatz. Since I’ve enjoyed other books by this author, I look forward to reading it – perhaps when I’ve finished Peter Gzowski: A Biography by Rae Fleming, which I received from him last week in exchange for my latest book and one other. (I’d already given him the one biography I have written on the occasion of an earlier exchange. (Sad to say, I don’t recall what Rae gave me at that time.)
But when I have finished reading the Gzowski biography, Christmas will be upon us – the best excuse for book exchanges that my family knows of. 🙂
Happy reading!
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.