A Happy Way to End (Almost) 2017
It was a traveling sort of December, most recently to Ottawa for the Canadian premiére of the musical adaptation of The Man with the Violin. Very exciting to celebrate this book once again with Dusan Petricic (its illustrator who came all the way from Belgrade for the event), Rick Wilks of Annick Press, Joshua Bell (‘the man with the violin’ himself) — and with wonderful family and friends who made time at this crazy-busy time of year to join in on the fun. I wish I had a picture of my grandson chatting with Joshua Bell after the show, telling him “I saw you playing the violin!” Thanks to the NAC for making this happen!
As this year nears its end, I wish all my readers
the very best of the holiday season,
good health, and much happiness into the new year.
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.

For the record, for those who click through to read the review of the evening, I did NOT agree with the reviewer’s opinion of Bell’s Vivaldi! His playing was, in my opinion and in that of all I spoke to, a joy to behold.
Hi there Kathy – Happy New Year! I’ve sent you several messages but not heard back re a friend of mine who lost her precious signed copy of Red is Best. Did you get any of these messsges?
Dear Melanie, I have been getting your messages and I have been responding.
There must be a cyber-Grinch intercepting my messages. I hope this one slips by him! Please use the CONTACT form on my website to reach me (I don’t think you’ve tried that yet) so I can send you the address where you can send your friend’s new copy of Red Is Best for signing. Happy New Year.
Oh fabulous! Thanks – I’ve just completed the Contact page on your website. I hope it got through!
But I didn’t get any email from you and I’ve checked my junk mail! The cyber grinch is still doing its stuff!
I’ve tried the other address you gave me. Let’s hope it works this time.
Sorry about all this inconvenience.
Melanie, my webmaster found a glitch in the system. We believe it has now been fixed. If you wouldn’t mind contacting me one more time through the Contact form on my site, I’m quite sure my response containing info I don’t want to publish here will reach you. I hope not too many other visitors to my site have failed to hear back from me. I value every one of them!