Kathy Goes to Washington [slideshow]

A big thanks to Annick Press for making this adventure possible. Thanks also to Kerri Poore of Politics & Prose for her part in making the bookstore event such a success.

For the photos that make up the slideshow, thanks to David Schuller, Marketing and Publicity Assistant at Politics & Prose for those taken at the front of the store and during the signing itself; to Mary Alice Garber for the shot of Nan ForlerJoshua Bell, and me; to Nan Forler for any other shots that have me in them. Any others were taken by me.


  1. Heather M. O'Co on February 5, 2014 at 8:15 am

    Oh, Kathy! This gave me goosebumps! Did you really get to hear Joshua Bell play?

    What a wonderful experience for you. Pictures paint a thousand words, but in this case, I would also love to hear every single sweet detail.

  2. Kathy Stinson on February 5, 2014 at 11:42 am

    I did indeed, Heather – at the Kennedy Centre last weekend and at Roy Thomson Hall last June. You can read about that occasion here – https://kathystinson.com/2013/06/…. If you get a chance to attend one of his concerts, don't hesitate to take advantage of it!

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