A Passion as Strong as Writing? Really?
I’ve found a passion that rivals writing. For me, that’s saying a lot.
I’m not new to photography. I think I took my first pictures, black and white, with a Brownie camera during a visit to Niagara Falls when I was ten or eleven, and have continued shooting with various cameras throughout my adult life.
A couple of years ago, several of my photos were published as part of a non-fiction story I’d written for a high school anthology (I was even paid for them). My blog occasionally refers to wanting to find more time to pursue my interest in photography.
Last month, I did. I signed up for Joy Sussman’s Nature Photography E-Course.
During the two weeks it ran, I found myself wanting to spend almost all my time taking pictures for the twelve assignments we were given, editing them, uploading them to our ‘classroom’, and looking at and commenting on fellow students’ work. Not that there was any outside pressure to do so. The e-classroom would stay open after class officially ended and there was no deadline for finishing the assignments. But I actually had to make myself put in so much writing time — me, who actually loves writing — before I’d allow myself to indulge my new obsession.
Thanks to writer-friend, Pat Bourke, for recommending this e-course. I eagerly await the announcement of Joy’s next online course. But you can bet I’ll be busy taking more pictures in the meantime.
When I’m not writing.
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.

Kathy, I'm so pleased that the photography bug has bitten both of us at the same time, and I'm looking forward to spending many hours taking photos together and sharing them with one another.
Me too, Janet!
Hello Kathy,
What a nice surprise, finding this blog post about my nature photography course–or more specifically, your enjoyment of it! Thank you kindly for the links and commentary. I am putting together a new section of my blog with students' blog posts and reviews of my various photography courses. May I include a link to this post? Either way, I appreciate your feedback.
I meant to let you know about the post, Joy, and hadn't got round to it yet. More fun that you came upon it yourself, I think. Please feel free to link to it anywhere you think it might be of use or interest.