Summer Reading
Whether you’re spending your summer close to home or venturing farther afield, I hope you’re enjoying the luxury of some summer reading time. Whether on a beach or an apartment balcony, in a hammock or a tent, there’s something special about the longer, warmer days that says “Relax. Let yourself sink into one of those books you’ve been meaning to get to all year.”
Three books I plan to read this summer are by authors I’ve read before.
The Time of Our Singing by Richard Powers. If he can do with music what he did with trees in The Overstory, I will be in for a real treat.
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. Gotta love an author willing to take on fiction that looks back and fiction that looks ahead. Can he make me care about a robot as much as I did an English butler?
The Promise by Damon Gelgut. South Africa in the hands of a fine writer. I can’t go wrong here. Can I?
If there are young people in your life, I hope you’ll treat them to one of the Kathy Stinson titles published in the past year.
The Girl Who Loved Giraffes and became the world’s first giraffologist is inspiring narrative non-fiction about an amazing woman and an amazing animal.
The Bare Naked Book is a gender and racially inclusive update (text and art) of a 1980s classic.
The Lady with the Books: A Story Inspired by the Remarkable Work of Jella Lepman is set in post-WWII Germany and shows readers that it’s possible to live through tough times and still find hope for a better future.
Whatever you’re reading these days, Happy Summer Reading!
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Kathy Stinson is the author of the classic Red Is Best and the award-winning The Man with the Violin. Her wide range of titles includes picture books, non-fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, horror, biography, series books, and short stories. She has met with her readers in every province and territory of Canada, in the United States, Britain, Liberia, and Korea. She lives in a small town in Ontario.

Thanks Kathy for the great suggestions. I had a friend order 2 of your new books for me and they are wonderful. Please keep on writing! Always Happy Readings, Wendy Mason.
Happy reading — one of the best things about summer. Thanks always for your wonderful support, Wendy.
Yes. Anytime is a good time to read great books. Without them, this time I have spent during the pandemic and not being able to work at my Indigo/Yorkdale…well books have saved me. I only wish that I could be back on the floor featuring, recommending and selling Canadian.
When CAN you get back there, Wendy? Soon, I hope?
Thanks for asking me when I will be able to return to my department at Indigo/Yorkdale. I miss arranging for wonderful authors like you and illustrators to host workshops with the school children I bring in. I miss featuring, recommending and selling Canadian books. I don’t know when I will return. Just had my first jab yesterday. Wendy
First jab is a good start. Happy reading while you wait for your second.
Yup! And what a difference it makes to have new Canadian picture books or novels to read. Just finishing Susin Neilsen’s latest, TREMENDOUS THINGS. Wow!