Those Green Things
Illustrated by Deirdre Betteridge
Published by Annick Press
A persistent and imaginative daughter questions her mother about green things around their home.
Age Level
Pre-school to grade 1
Curriculum Connections
Colours, imagination
For teachers --
Have a Green Day at school or a Green Party. Encourage everyone to wear something green and bring sandwiches for lunch that contain green things only. Give green prizes (stickers? markers? copies of THOSE GREEN THINGS?) for the sandwich with the greenest bread, the sandwich containing the highest number of different green foods, the most unusual green-things sandwich, and for the sandwich voted most popular with students or party guests.
For kids --
Compare the 1985 and 1995 versions of the book. Talk with friends or class-mates about why you think the publisher and the illustrators made the decisions they did about the layout of the book and its pictures. Do you like one version of the book better than the other? Talk about why.

Those Green Things is out of print, but you may be able to obtain a copy from your public library or a used book dealer.