Love Every Leaf: The Life of Landscape Architect Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Published by Tundra Books
A biography of one of Canada’s earliest environmentally conscious landscape architects
Age Level
12 and up
Curriculum Connections
Biography, environment, landscape architecture
For kids --
Have you ever met someone you wished you could know more about? Write a paragraph (or a sentence or a page) about what you know about them and another about what you wished you knew. See if you can find out what you're curious about - from that person or from others who know or knew them.
What do you plan to be when you're an adult? Is there anything about the profession of landscape architecture that makes you think it might be for you? Anything (based on reading this book) that make you think it probably isn't?
Look around your neighbourhood and find a space that's either unattractive, not being used for anything, or both. Try to imagine what the space might become. Can you imagine the steps that would need to be taken to make your vision a reality?

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Starred Selection in Canadian Children’s Book Centre Best Books for Kids & Teens
Resource Links “Year’s Best” Book
Love Every Leaf is out of print, but you may be able to obtain a copy from your public library or a used book dealer.