Schools & Libraries
Kathy’s aim when talking with students from elementary through high school is always to inspire their interest in reading and in writing. Reading aloud from something she wrote as a child, a published book, and/or a work-in-progress is part of any visit. So is discussing the writing and editing process. Students get most out of a visit when they have been introduced to some of her books ahead of time. Having experience with writing themselves enhances the experience too.

Group Size
Primary grades
40-50 students for 30-40 minutes
in a library or classroom
Junior/Intermediate grades
50-75 students for 45-60 minutes
in a library or classroom
High school/College/University
any number for 45-90 minutes
in a library, classroom or auditorium
Partial funding may be available for school readings booked through The Writers’ Union of Canada.
Public libraries can apply for funding through the Canada Council. Since Canada Council pays the reading fee and travel costs, this is often the best way for communities outside of southern Ontario to arrange for readings.