One Year Commencing
Published by Thistledown Press
A custody order and Toronto’s homeless people push Al into surprising conflicts and tough decisions.
Age Level
Grades 6-10
Curriculum Connections
Adolescence, divorce
For kids --
Discuss with a group of friends or classmates: What is the most difficult decision you have ever faced? What made it such a difficult decision? How and what did you decide? Were you happy with your decision, or not?
Write two letters that Sam might write to Al at some point in the year she is living at her dad’s. (Or pretend they have e-mail now and write two e-mail messages.) Write one that you think Al would be happy to receive, and another that she would be unhappy to receive.

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Read an excerpt from One Year Commencing
Red Cedar Award nominee
Other Editions
Also available in German
One Year Commencing is out of print, but you may be able to obtain a copy from your public library or a used book dealer.